Left Nostril Breathing Curbs Compulsive Eating

Our physical bodies have the potential to be in perfect balance, health and harmony. What we put into our bodies has a vibration and physical effect on all of its systems, as well as our emotions, mind, and our spirit.


Conscious breathing is a fundamental element of Kundalini Yoga, along with movement, mantra and meditation. SuperHealth training teaches the importance of breathwork in repatterning the mind and body systems to overcome harmful habits.

Left nostril breathing is a recommended technique for building self-respect and endurance. Strengthening these qualities is central to conquering self-defeating behaviors, like compulsive eating.

Consider the following Eating Disorder Meditation if you struggle with the urge to overeat or indulge in unhealthy foods.

Sit in Easy Pose or in a chair with the feet flat on the floor, keeping your spine straight and shoulders relaxed. Block the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand. Form gyan mudra with the left hand - index fingertip and thumbtip touching with your hand resting on your knee or lap.

Inhale through the left nostril; hold the breath for as long as you are able. Exhale through the left nostril and hold the breath out for the same duration, if possible. Pace yourself. It is important for the breathing to be relaxed. Continue this breathing pattern for 31 minutes.

Use this tool when you are tempted to binge or eat compulsively. For chronic cases, practice 31 minutes per day for 90 days.

Recipes and nutritional formulas for cleansing and rebuilding body systems are shared in Healing Addictive Behavior, available through SuperHealth.

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