What is Happiness?

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I recently asked my Facebook friends to fill in the blank:

”Happiness is ______.”

I don’t know what I was expecting; however, each person had a different way of defining happiness.

To some it centered on being with or connecting with those they love (humans and furry friends alike!). Others expressed surprisingly simple things such as a warm hug or a good book. Good health. Home. Religious and spiritual practices and knowledge.

In these replies, it is evident to me that many have accepted the invitation the past few years have presented to deeply reevaluate what is important. To appreciate simple comforts. To slow down. To choose the meaningful.

Other replies were less tangible and seem to be centered on happiness that comes from inside:

”Happiness is always available.”
”Happiness is a peaceful heart.”
”Happiness is loving myself.”
”Happiness is a hint for self-knowing.”
”Happiness is attainable.”
”Happiness is self-authority.”
”Happiness is the object and design of our existence.”

I will add that Happiness is being surrounded by AMAZING friends through social media!!! (Thanks everyone for contributing your thoughts!)

Speaking of social media friends: we have been sharing a list of 10 things happy people do on our social media accounts. Go check out our FB page and IG page for our list of 10.

Happiness is a Lifestyle

A few months back, I was encouraged to consider success from a brand-new-to-me benchmark. I was told that experiencing joy was synonymous with success.

For me, that dawning understanding melted away harsh and unrealistic self-expectations. It gave me the courage to start consolidating my life. I began noticing and saying no to distractions. It changed my daily focus as a wife and mom. It changed the ways I work and serve in my community and religious circles. Each day, I began honing in on this new definition of success—-finding ways each day to be more “successful” (more joyful).

What if our measuring stick for success in life wasn’t measured in dollars, a high-paying job, a beautiful home, likes and shares on social media, our physical appearance, fame, or power? What if it became how much joy we generated each day for ourselves and for others?

What if we pursued happiness as a lifestyle rather than happiness based upon what is (or isn’t) happening outside of us or inside of us?

The good news: there is a way to such happiness! We would love to share it with you!

The Psychology of Happiness

Many of us are learning first-hand: these unprecedented times certainly aren’t for the faint of heart!

This is the time to learn the way to be happy and thrive under new, elevated levels of intense stress and pressure. The need to live balanced and integrated lives is becoming more and more acute daily. We believe spirituality is to be integrated into all the parts of our lives: personal, family, and community.

And so we have prepared a special experiential class for you called “The Psychology of Happiness:”

Saturday, October 16

8:00 - 9:30 am Mountain Time


Live on Zoom & recording available for 1 week

Taught by Mukta Kaur Khalsa, Director of SuperHealth®

Details and enrollment

And if you are ready to make other lifestyle changes, I highly recommend joining us for the online 2022 SuperHealth® Immersion Training.

It will be live via Zoom. The training will be held over 3 weekends:

February 19 & 20,
March 5 & 6,
March 19 & 20.

Early bird enrollment is open until 11/11/21.
Paid in full or deposit + payment plan locks in the early bird price.

More details HERE.

We can’t wait to be with you and share experiences and knowledge that will help you generate your own happiness from the inside out. Happiness that radiates into a whole new lifestyle. Happiness that can stand against the pressures and stressors of today. See you soon!

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Siri Dharma Kaur

lives in Northern Utah with her husband and their 4 energetic children. She spends most of her time as a homeschooling mamma. She is certified in over 1000 hours of Yoga Teacher Trainings including: Kundalini, SuperHealth, Hatha Yoga, Yin Yoga, Karma Kids Yoga, and Khalsa Way Prenatal Yoga. She loves reading, anything in nature that includes bodies of water, and good music.

Siri Dharma Kaur