SuperHealth®: Yogic Science for Addictive Behavior
SuperHealth®: Yogic Science for Addictive Behavior
Mukta Kaur Khalsa, Director of SuperHealth®
This is a training unlike any other. It offers an authentic experience that will inspire your heart and ignite your soul. Training is for the Kundalini teacher and yoga practitioner, and licensed healthcare professionals, and anyone in recovery and making serious lifestyle changes. The training will put more qualified people on the front line and critically needed in the fight against addictions. Each graduate will be in a position to offer their students and patients a systematic line of effective yogic protocols.
An Addiction is…
anything you cannot stop on command.
It can be to drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, food, devices, technology, work, etc. Almost anything can be an addiction---even unhealthy relationships or a destructive way we think or behave—-including about ourselves.
From Recovery to Self-Discovery
Q: With the powerful of addictive mindset, is it possible to experience a new way of thinking and behaving?
A: Yes. However, it must be developed.
With training we can learn to withstand the pressure of the urge and combat vulnerabilities that trigger us.
In order to comprehend the path to root level healing, we need to understand the nature of addictions and how it begins and who may be vulnerable.
What is the Root Cause?
Most often, you can sum it up in two words—-Emotional Pain. Let’s say for instance, if, as a child, we didn’t get properly nursed, our basic and survival needs were not met. We weren’t listened to, nurtured, given quality time for communication and expression, or not taken care of in healthy unconditional loving ways, we develop anger, fear, insecurity, and mistrusting our environment and the people around us.
As we grew, so did the emotional pain. It’s like growing up with a hole, an emptiness at the heart center...a void.
To pretend this “hole” isn’t there, we try to cover it up. We resort to external stimuli—-ie- drugs, alcohol, and anything else outside of ourselves becomes an easy answer. We use whatever we can, trying to fill the emptiness. If it is not addressed in a healthy way, it will be externally released in many ways. Yelling, screaming, aggressive behavior, fighting, violence.
Or people internalize it and it develops into Inner Anger. We “swallow it,” and just live with it. However, we get ulcers and get sick.
Either way is unhealthy.
As a Yoga Teacher
At SuperHealth, we help yoga teachers and other practitioners understand the root cause of addiction, and more importantly, how to transition out of it toward a healthy way of living.
A Kundalini Yoga teacher is an analytic technician of the teachings. Think about that: an analytic technician. It’s not just, “I’m a yoga teacher, and I look cute, slim, and trim, in my yoga pants.” No. You are trained technician with a firm understanding of the teachings, and you teach with a depth of precision and understanding. That’s why it works.
What we do is help a person release these feelings of anger and mistrust, and then deal with it in a healthy way---rewiring the brain. The brain has been set to think and act a particular way, and what we can do is recalibrate the way they’ve been wired in their psyche. It’s almost like offering people a new computer, and you can enter in new data as you wish. It’s all possible with the technology. We give people the experience to be able to reprogram their thinking and how they feel---in a healthy way. Then build and grow a healthy you. Fully complete---physically, mentally, spiritually whole.
Everything else supports that: the nutrition, the diet, the juices, the herbs, the vitamins, the meditations, the chanting. All these things very systematically support that change. It happens quickly because you are working with body, mind, and spirit as fully integrated. It’s exact, precise, and highly effective.
There is no guilt, no shame, no blame---just drop it, forgive yourself and the other person, and let it go. We believe happiness is our birthright. THAT is SuperHealth!
The Stress of the Times
Nobody is good or bad. It’s just circumstances, and environments, that we’ve been brought up in. We call it karmic. We have all be brought up to learn certain things. We give no praise and no blame. We allow people to move on by giving them the love, support, and genuineness of accepting people where they are at and holding them until they can hold themselves. We support and guide them until they can do it on their own.
Otherwise, people are stressed out, they have absolutely no understanding of how to release the pain, or understand it, and it oozes out in communication in unhealthy ways. They hurt each other, and they hurt themselves. They don’t know what to do.
But we know what to do. We’ve been blessed to have a technology. It’s our obligation to share that and to help people have a new life---a beautiful life. That they deserve. This is our blessing.
And with that blessing, we have the blessing to be teachers. It’s our obligation to do something learn it, experience it, then go out and serve our communities, serve ourselves, our loved ones, and serve a person who doesn’t even know he needs to be served.
We have been born; we have a destiny. Let’s get trained, and to go out, and do something really great and really wonderful for humanity.
The SuperHealth® Immersion Training
…includes both technical know-how and experiential opportunities based on Yogic Science. We share our effective, systematic protocols that clear subconscious blocks so that an individual can progress and transition from recovery to Self-discovery. These protocols can be integrated into current therapy platforms, creating a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.
This is a training unlike any other. It offers an authentic experience that will inspire your heart and ignite your soul. We train a wide range of yoga teachers, practitioners, and licensed health practitioners on the front line in the fight against addictions. Each graduate will be in a position to offer their students and patients a systematic line of effective protocols.
Superhealth® is the only CEU Provider integrating yogic science
into the medical community for recovery!
~ 40 CEUs ~
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist
Licensed Clinical Social Workers
Licensed Educational Psychologists
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors
Addiction Professionals and Counselors - NAADAC
Certified Yoga Teachers - Yoga Alliance & IKYTA
Yoga Therapists - IAYT
Physical Therapists
New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board
Please Note: You will need to check with your Local Licensing Board to ensure the CEUs are accepted in your state.
SuperHealth is here to help you on the front lines in the battle against addictions of all kinds. As a teacher, you are the most technical, analytical technician for human peace, tranquility, and happiness. The most honorable, most gracious, most effective, and the highest of the profession is helping another human being to be happy. As teachers, let's make it our goal to help another human being; happiness is everyone’s birthright.
Our next SuperHealth Immersion Training will be live, online over three weekends:
Feb 19 & 20,
Mar 5 & 6,
Mar 19 &20
The Early Bird enrollment price closes 11/11/21. It is locked in by either paying in full or deposit + payment plan.
Details and enrollment are here.
That is SuperHealth! See you there!