Designing Your Own Personal Healing Journey

SuperHealth provides us with many techniques for coping with addictive behavior and mental distress. There are numerous recipes and meditations, a plethora of kriyas, and other therapeutic practices. Is it necessary to use them all? How many practices are enough? How many are too much? 

I believe the answers to these questions are unique to the individual. For a while, I was overwhelmed by the amount of material. The perfectionist in me wanted to incorporate everything, while maintaining all of my other day-to-day responsibilities. This simply created more stress.

Failing to live up to my own impossible standards made me give up on all the techniques for some time. I’m now learning that cherry-picking from the manuals is completely valid, and can have a greater impact than trying to do too much. The recommended techniques are there for you to create the perfect system for yourself – on your terms and schedule.

Listen to your body

It is important to understand yourself and what works for you. For example, I recently had a DNA test and discovered that my body does not absorb vitamin A well. My doctor told me that foods like juiced carrots could do more harm than good. Carrots are a big part of the SuperHealth recipes; however, based on medical advice, I’ve eliminated juicing from my recovery. 

Similarly, my doctor recommended that I reduce my carb intake, so grain-heavy recipes are no longer part of my diet. We are all built differently. What works for one, does not necessarily work for all. Listen to your body and trust your instincts, then decide what is best for you.

Explore and enjoy the techniques

You do not have to master the practices immediately, nor do you have to do them all at once. Start simple. Find a meditation or kriya that resonates with you and do it 40 days in a row. By committing to a consistent 40-day practice, you are grounding in a commitment to yourself. This will take you far!

If you have the time and desire to add more to your healing journey, there are other practices that can be incorporated as needed. One technique explored in SuperHealth training is “Counseling without Counselors.” This involves recording yourself expressing your troubles, then listening to the session and hearing it from a new perspective. 

Another technique is Celestial Communication, which is a choreographed dance of the arms, hands and fingers to uplifting music. It can be practiced whenever the need or desire arises.

Switch out the kriyas, try different meditations, and change the frequency or time of day that you practice. Through trial and error, you will find a routine that is most suitable for you and your needs. This is your journey and you have full control.

Saraswati Joti Satya Kaur

A yoga teacher and energy healer in Clearwater, Florida focusing on individualized and primarily private classes. Certified in 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Trainings for Hatha and Kundalini, completed SuperHealth training twice as a student and an intern, completed training to become a UHealing Energy Healing Practitioner, and has a Bachelor’s of Science in Electrical Engineering.

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